January 5, 2010

Grandma's Pride and Joy!!

On December 20, 2009, little Braxton (7 months old) was blessed by Uncle Scott Herrick. What a wonderful day full of good company, wonderful food and incredible memories!! I traveled from Utah to be there and loved being around my kids and extended family. There is nothing so wonderful as a family get together to honor a member of that family. Braxton was a perfect little gentleman complete with smiles and the sweetest disposition. This Grandma loves Braxton!! Thanks to Steve for his unselfishness in letting Braxton be blessed. This Mother-in-law loves her Son-in-law!! Mallory was the perfect host and looked absolutely breathtaking...this Mother loves her Daughter!!

I scribed what I could of Scott's blessing for Braxton......
"Heavenly Father, by the Power of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood which we hold, we lay our hands upon your head and give you a name and a blessing. The name by which you shall be known is, Braxton Steel Hoopingarner. Braxton your Heavenly Father loves you. You were born of wonderful parents who love you. We bless you to have a desire to gain an education and have a desire to gain knowledge of our Savior and of Heavenly Father. Learn about his plan for you. When the time comes to find a young woman and to take her to the temple make sure she is worthy of you. Live your life worthy. We say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."